On 8th Jan, a news channel aired news about speculating the possible conspiracy of Ambani’s behind the crash resulting in the death of YS Rajasekhar Reddy, based on the report dated 4th September by a Russian newspaper, ‘The Exiled’. This created unrest and led to attacks on Reliance group outlets across the state. To bring situation under control, officials made a statement. Later on the channel was taken up and the case was framed.
Stringent actions against channels which air speculative news resulting in unrest in the society, and at the same time not curbing their rights are needed.
When a politician is blamed for corruption charges or sex-scandal, people say that politics has become a dirty game.But,when a business house is charged of corruption or any other criminal act, people here say that charges have been framed out of conspiracy to malign the business group.Dhirubhai and his sons are known for doing illegal and corrupt practices for decades.Dhirubhai himself had faced the criminal charges and prosecution,when V P singh was the finance minister.Many other controversies are related to this business group.
Matter of the fact is that the people who want to work for these business houses or anyway have interest associated to these groups would certainly support their cause.And,this shows cooperation of people having the same interests.
Ambani group's credibility in India and abroad is not that like of Tatas.
As far as legal point of view is concerned,no body canbe called a criminal untill it is proved in the court of law.So,neither N D Tiwari nor Ambanis(for this said case)can be called a criminal.
At the same time,people have the right to protest.If protest turns into violence,it's the matter of law and order.And,any type of violence or charges of corruption or criminal act should be investigated and dealt with iron hand.Without going into investigation nothing can be said.If I will say that one ambani brother might have conspired to sabotage other brother,it might also be true.
if u ask me.. i'll have them hanged till death..aaarrgggghhh..the kind of character assassinations that they do on camera and the parallel trials that go on, is criminal. Time and again self regulatory mechanism is proposed for judiciary and media but.. . So Without sounding totalitarian or anything to do with that, i am all for putting a curb on these 24*7 news channels who "sex up" the news just in order to sell without an iota of responsibility.
i referred the example only because the news that was reported was based on the article that was reported a day after the crash. it was just a speculative one. the news channel just tried to encash this after almost 4months..
what made the news channel do the propaganda based on the speculative news that led to unrest and 144 sec was declared just based on this in the state.
here is the link if u want to go through the report dated 4sep ie day after the remains were found..
my claim was 'not to send wrong information into the public which leads to worsening the situation' but just to verify the facts before airing. i dont want to get into questioning the credibility of anyone, but trying to say the need for change in the way media is portraying the speculations and the impact on the ppl.the news by 1channel drew all the channels of ap and every1 was airing the same issue which worsend the situation.
Media needs to play a responsible role. Sensationalize of news for gaining TRPs is very irresponsible. I believe we already have stringent regulations. More and more individuals like us should collectively boycott such acts.
See, news stories that flare up people’s tempers are the easiest way to get noticed, and have more eyeballs to one's tv channel. And if that news story turns out to be concerning a politician, who, poor guys, anyways dont enjoy a very good reputation, then that would do enough for them to keep the advertisement revenues coming for the next coupleof days atleast. Now in this situation who do you blame, the media houses or the people who watch these shows, and even send back sms replies to them showing their 'displeasure'!
Everyone has to earn his bread afterall!
earning for their bread is fine but is it appreciated if u earn that at the cost of others?? then in what way is that different from the illegal means of earning??
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