Let us study this matrix which helps us to better understand different types of organisatisational strategies when we keep control over resources and action orientation separatey for individuals and for collectively. What instances from real life fits in where?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Control Over Resources and Action Orientation
Let us study this matrix which helps us to better understand different types of organisatisational strategies when we keep control over resources and action orientation separatey for individuals and for collectively. What instances from real life fits in where?
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Golf course can be considered as the most appropriate example of a club in operation. My take on an association would be gujarat milk co-operatives. The form of a coalition would be any business which is having two partners.Movement in this case can be considered as the famous anti-corruption movement in the country-Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement!
Shubham Tomar
Let us take an example of PRM 32 election for the post of Class representative and various other committees. It uses the associative structure of general election and collective responsibility of chosen members to represent the class, deal with the grievances, and act as the bridge between the faculty and the participants. The various committees represent a top down organization and resemble a corporate actor, with the elected representatives heading the committee as its “owner”. At the same time however the committee is restricted by the General Body Meeting, Which is the representative body of the students.
Ritu Kashyap
Various examples from real life can be taken to understand these types of organizational strategies. A coalition can be understood by the present UPA coalition government. Various clubs can be identified like Polo clubs and cricket clubs. Examples for movement can be Non co-operation and Quit India movements. Various associations can also be identified like the Retailers Association of India.
Arpit Bansal
A coalition is a sort of alliance in which the individuals or groups cooperate in an action, each for their own self-interest. In politics, a coalition government exists made up of many parties; companies also make coalitions to increase their individual profits. Also in military coalition are common, in which many countries’ military forces are unified under a single command. Club, apart from examples stated, can be service clubs, dedicated for any particular purpose, like charity or any other religious purpose.
Durga Satapathy
Coalition example can be of United Nations intervening in Libyan Civil War against Muammar Gaddafi. Example of club can be a reader's club where everyone come together and discuss books and ideas. There are many real world examples of movement. One such is the chipko movement. An association example would be the association of IRMA with government where it provides services to government on various rural development issues.
Himanshu Bhardwaj
The example of association can be various trade associations like India Pepper and Spice Trade Association. The club example can be sports club like swimming club. The example for the coalition is Public Enterprise Reform Coalition in India.The example of movement is Koodankulam Anti-Nuclear Movement.
Avinash Singh
The Lokpal movement is an example of social movement. It got support from people from all spheres of the country and hence it was a joint action by the participants. The purpose was collective motive of fighting against corruption. Every individual cooperating in the protest contributed towards the purpose by supporting the movement directly and indirectly through internet and sms. As every person has suffered the evils of corruption; the advent of this movement has given them an opportunity to decide mainly through consensus for better future for themselves through this collective action.
Lipsa Mishra ( 32078)
Where lokpal bill is considered to be a movement for political cause, movements like Yamuna Bachao Aandolan can be classified as a movement for social cause where focus is on spreading the detoriating condition of Yamuna River and the callous attitude of the authorities. Cleaning a portion of bank is a collective choice to spread the consciousness to spread awareness among the masses. IRMA alumni association is where all the alumni and participants stay connected while a colony club can be a place where colony residents come and have a leisure time.
Ankit Sharma
An instance of coalition would include Indo-Russian coalition for military cooperation in which they are jointly developing a fifth generation combat aircraft. The fighter aircraft developed by using individual resources viz. technology and expertise would serve each country’s individual needs of defence. The decisions involved in this coalition are drawn from meticulously devised agreement between the countries.
Ashish Jena(32010)
An instance of Club would include the Farmers’ club in my fieldwork village where the farmers jointly purchase inputs and sell produce serving their individual purpose of profit making. The resources used by the club are contributed by the members and the decisions regarding the actions are taken by voting.
Ashish Jena (32010)
"Every drop together makes an ocean".I think this is most suitable for the topic.Every organization starts with an individual.Then after spreading among the others,they need to come under a common umbrella.Otherwise their efforts are in vain.We know the story about the farmer who gave a bundle of sticks to his sons and asked them to break it.They failed to break it when it was tied in a bundle but were successful in breaking single sticks.
We can take another example of the 'velvet revolution'. This shows how individuals are powerful when they come together.
Subhradip Barman
An association of people is necessary to bring about change. We can take the example of our college event Milaap. Though it was organised by the alumni secretary, it would not have happened had the batch not put in hours of toil for the event. Another event gaining currency now is the Occupy Wall Street movement. Time will tell if this collective action is successful.
Abhinav Deep Sinha(p32050)
The candle light march in case of the Mumbai bomb blast is an example of the movement wherein the people collectively expressed their anger and agitation in the form of protest. The surgeons association of India can be an example for the association of the professionals, dealing in the research and study based in the respective areas. Examples for clubs include the fan clubs, wherein the people having common set of interests share photos, news and opinions with fellow fans. Most common form of coalition is that of the political parties and also the student exchange programs by various institutes in different countries involve a coalition between the two parties.
Association can be best described as the Association of Tennis Professionals or ATP which was formed in 1972 to protect the interests of male professional tennis players.
An example of a movement is the Gorkhaland Movement which gained serious momentum during the 1980s in West Bengal and is still in full swing led by the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha.
The IRMA Staff Club which organises various activities within the institute is an ideal example of a club.
The state government of Maharashtra is a coalition government of the two political parties - NCP and Congress as the major partners.
Ayan Roy(32061)
Coalition may be political as in UPA/NDA government, it may be economical as in Baskin-Robbins ice cream business/ joint venture between 2 or more companies or it may be of military purpose as in Iraq war (Bush's coalition of willing). We can see lot of clubs related to sports or hobby or even youth clubs in villages. Some phases of our nation’s independence struggle like non cooperative movement, Satyagrhas are examples of movement. We see lot of associations around us like Alumni, students, teachers associations etc.
Sandesh N A
To exemplify coalition, the strategic alliance between B and D hostel blocks at IRMA during Jatra can be stated. The cooperation between the blocks helped them in gaining the top positions in the event.The ongoing Telangana Movement in the state of Andhra Pradesh can be cited as an example of social and political movement.
Swati Vashisth
A club is formed when two or more people come together and are united by a common interest or goals.we can see numerous active clubs in our everyday life. Most common of them are the ladies club ,where women come together to share and spend some leisure time with each other.They come together to carry out some function for the community they are part of or charity work for needful community at larhge.There are also hobby clubs and clubs at schools like the drama or science clubs.
sohini mahaptra(32041)
The US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement is an example of coalition, between the two countries cooperating for their own self-interest.
The tennis club near Mogri village in Anand is an example of club.
Komal Didwania
Any Joint Venture between two companies is 'Coalition' in which actions are jointly taken and decision are made when both party agree.
Health 'Clubs' with aim to provide benefits to members are maintained by members and decisions are made by voting.
The Quit India 'Movement' which finally lead to India's Independence had collective purpose of India's Freedom. It was lead by Gandhiji, however, all decisions were made with consent.
An example of coalition would be the formation of "Asian Rural Women's Coalition" which calls for the Rights, Empowerment & Liberation of rural women in Asian countries. "Santhal Movement" of 1855 is an example of movement which took place to claim the lost land and resources to the unscrupulous traders and merchants. "Retailers Association of India" is an association which provides the right environment for the growth of modern retail industry in India. People join health clubs for physical fitness.
Himanshu Pilania
Taking examples from the fieldwork, SHG is an example of association aimed at economic empowerment of women.
In 2008, a few NGOs in Himachal Pradesh initiated a movement including 500 women from all over the state to demand right to property for tribal women and increase in widow pension.
The official Fan Clubs dedicated to celebrities like Madonna Fan club exemplifies a club.
Coalition comes from a French word "coalascere". An example would be Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin Robbins coalition wherein they share common stores and thus revenue.
Komal Makkad
A coalition example is of G-4 countries (India, Germany, Japan and Brazil) who are collectively trying to reform UN for securing permanent seats in UN’ Security Council. An example of club is ‘IRMA club’ which helps in community development through sharing cultural and social values. This club celebrate all the festivals which bring people from different religions together. It also enhances various skills of its members by organizing different sports, art, cultural activities. An association example could be ‘Rural Marketing Association of India’. It has been helping marketers plan and implement their rural marketing activities across the country.
Gaurav Singhal (32014)
Club: Here we can think of any club say fine arts club in any school or college. Students come together for their individual purposes. The resources used are individual as they pay membership fee.
Coalition: We can think of a coalition of political parties say Janta Dal government against Indira Gandhi. Each party had its own reason of joining the coalition and they used their own resources but the decision was taken by reaching on an agreement.
Abhishek Sharma (32051)
Movement: For Movement we can think of "Quit India Movement". Here the Action was joint and the purpose was collective. Individuals used their own resources to attain the independence. The movement was launched on the call of Gandhi Ji but the consensus was built by passing a resolution to start a "Civil Disobedience Movement" by INC.
Association: For association we can think of Old Boys Association of any school or college. Here again the action is joint and the purpose of coming together is collective. Collective resources are used and they take decision amongst themselves by voting and choosing a president or secretary.
Abhishek Sharma (32051)
In response to concerns that the human activities are increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases, Kyoto Protocol is an example, which collectively aimed at combating global warming. Although it is a protocol, it could be treated as a movement where most of the nations of the world unified with a collective purpose to reduce greenhouse emissions. The gathering of hundreds of people on the Parliament Hill, in Otawa on September 2011, to fight against climate change is another example of movement.
Roba jabeen
Save the seed movement can be considered a very good example of Movement in which the farmers of Uttarakhand were led by Vijay Jardari to save the traditional seeds of the hills. In order to protect them they have collected about 200 traditional varieties of kidney beans, 100 of paddy and 7 of wheat. It was a collective action in which the seeds (individual resources)were collected from the farmers of different villages.
Anju Lakra
An example of Association would be “Labour Union” in an organisation. The union is formed jointly by the association of all the labourers who come together for collective purpose. Through addressing their common goal of demanding welfare schemes for all the employees, the union ultimately addresses the individual needs of the labourers like proper wages, conducive working environment and job safety. To achieve this collective purpose they use the resource as the negotiating expertise or bargaining power of the majority against the management. The decisions of union are usually taken by process of Voting.
Raunak Shashikant Rao(32036)
An example of coalition is Political coalitions where each pary is an individual. A very common example of clubs is a sports club, while quit india movement or that to introduce lokpal bill. I belive trade association are a perfect example of associations.
In most of the association no legal back up is required to start an association but in few associations like for forming MOU between two parties or organization we require some legal formalities.NGO's and cooperative like SUTRA and AMUL respectively are exampes of association.
Movements could have either social or political issue associated with it. Gay rights movement could be seen as a classic example where both social ,cultural and political motives of the people are sought after.PETA is yet another such movement. civil rights movement in America, the labour movement, the recent Anna hazzare movement against corruption,etc are few movement which are carried out with political issues.
Coalition could be seen politics, military,economics.Leading ice-cream chain Baskin-Robbins is in coalition with dunkin donuts to share their stores and also revenues. United Nations Coalition with the libyan civil war against Gaddafi is an example of military coalition.
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