- If you have the talent, passion and commitment, you can make underdogs win
- Its not good to mix personal and professional lives.
- At times tough decisions has to be taken.
- Team/Organization is always bigger than the individual.
- Taking the Challenges as oppurtunites.
- Dream big as without dream nothing is achieved.
- Strategy is important - know the team members individual strengths and weaknesses.
- We have to identify as Indians first and rise above our affiliations with our states, religions and castes.
- We must embrace discipline to strictly follow every step required for success.
- We have to put the interest of our nation ahead of our personal interests, subordinating our egos and biases.
- Put in tremendous hard work and make short-term sacrifices for long-term glory.
The movie clearly demonstrated how an underdog hockey team can achieve world cup by virtue of inspired leadership and collective action.
i remember once the owner of a small enterprise saying that the individual tends to think from self-growth first and then the organization growth. What if they start thinking from the organization growth point of view which indirectly gets converted into the employee growth but they seem to possess this level of vision, so finally we can "i grow, you grow and WE grows together in a company" but the feeling of colleagues as a competitor is widespread as it happens in CHAK DE, which clearly depicts how comlimentary work only gives exemplary results..
all it needs i think is to rise above this individual cravings of repetitive self-praise/external praise for best or exceptional works which gets manifested in self-interest fulfillment but seldom moves the world.
Amit it is very obvious that we get easily driven away by movies,but we never learn any lesson from these movies. Every body knows to make a concious choice between good or bad but they dont know how to perform good.This movie shows how an ordinary man can put extra ordinary effort to make a team that really played like a team. It proves that where there is a will there is a way
it is really nice to see PRM 28 participant contributing to the discusion. Yes i agree with you that individual has to come out of his comfort zone to achieve something substantial in the life.
@Suman Gope
well said Suman....its correct that we just go out and watch movies for fun only. but movies are mucg more then that. This is the only reason i am writing blogs on indian movies and will write more in next coming days.
What you said in the blog aptly describes the necessary ingredients for the kind of victory that is envisaged by Coach Kabir Khan in Chak De...But what I feel is that motivation for cooperation for each member of the team is different. Vidya Sharma, Captain of the team wants to come out of traditional mind setup of middle class family. Instead of being happy with government flat, she, even after marriage went against her husband's wishes. Bindiya being finest player wants to be the captain of the team. I did not see any motivation in her for cooperation or team work. Komal's achievement was fantastic because she was able to rise up to the national level without the help of proper resources. Netra reddy, Gunjan and Aaliya also had their own motives. Gul just wanted to continue her father legacy. Same is the case with other girls.
Well...my point is that personal need is the best form of motivation. There is nothing wrong if I cooperate with you for my personal gains. This is self evident in personal and professional life today. Employees of an organization are least bother about Organization’s EBIT or Revenue. They get motivation from their paycheck that they receive at the end of the month. We can take this logic ahead to the personal relationship. Our whole family system might be just need based cooperation....well...I think so....
Our behavior and actions are either motivated by the self interest or our need of recognition or our motive to the part of the greater history or it can be a mix of these three or some other reasons. When it comes to self interest many of us take it in negative sense comparing it with selfishness but that’s not true. Something is beneficial to me does not make it harmful to others. We have to think of a win-win situation. We have to win collectively then only the true goal of humanity can be fulfilled. But the question in front of us is what could be done to ensure the collective victory. The answer is given by Amit Goel when quoting the example of CHAK DE. We need a coach like Kabir who can show people individual victory in the collective victory of the group. We need peoples with true leadership skills who can broaden our vision form the individualistic position to group. I think there is a Kabir in every one of us but we are not able to recognize it. Lets wait when we can express the Kabir inside us.
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