Thursday, December 18, 2008


One of the major problem that mankind is facing today is terrorism. Around ten years back when India was bleeding with terrorist activities in Kashmir, the world maintained a silence and said it was India's internal problem and its a movement but the moment 9/11 happened the world began defining terrorism with new perspective. Actually its a basic human problem that unless a human being himself experiences the pain he can't relate to it. This is the major cause of of all the evils. Today the whole world is showing sympathies towards India. Why this change in perspective? Has it something to do with emerging Indian market? Has it something to do with 9/11? Has it something to do with the fact that in Mumbai's terrorist attack a lot of foreign civilians were also killed? So the fundamental nature of cooperation is "the common pain". In any kind of cooperation anywhere in the world, the pioneering reason has been the "common pain".
So when US, UK, France and other developed countries have begun experiencing the pain of terrorism similar to that of India, they now understand India's position better and also nowadays we get to listen that every one or the other world leader wants to cooperate with each other to fight terrorism. Again, the basic character of cooperation is that every pertner has to share the benefit. Earlier almost all the terrorists used to take shelter in Britain. Not long ago LITTE'S headquarter was in London. For many years it remained so even when they were involved in so many attacks on honest civilians. After 9/11, they were banned and now we see they have very difficulty in getting the funds. So unless cooperation haapens one can't fight such evil or "the pain". But terrorism is still there because cooperation is not on a mass scale. Now if attacks like 9/11 happens in other countries also(i hope and wish it doesn't happen ), the cooperation would be more and the whole world would cooperate and join the battle. Like terrorism poverty is also an evil and it kills more people than terrorism. But the problem here is that the developed countries cannot exprience "the pain" and without there active support fight against poverty cannot be sustained. Forget about the developed world even the better off population does not cooperate because it cannot relate with the pain of poverty. So, is there no other option? Certainly there is an option. The first option is to get close to the nation with common proble and cooperate with each other to spread the message that the root cause of terrorism is poverty. Once the developed countries realise that the rrot cause fo terrorism is poverty they will cooperate and then then decisive war against terrorism can be fought. Hence the cooperation can happen only when the participants are convinced that they would definitely be benfitted but the purpose can only be solved when everybody benfits with it. To conclude for collective action and cooperation its very imporatant that the right message is spread at the right time among right people. Cooperation and collective action is certainly "the panacea".

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