Friday, February 13, 2009

Is there anything termed Collective Action??

A collective action literally requires collectivity and an action. By a narrow sense, collectivity implies group work in which all the members participate and an action implies physical movement.
I think there is no such thing as collective action. It is like coming together of people who feel that a certain thing cannot be done single handedly. Why do people collect? They assemble to do a particular task, with some objective in mind and all efforts are targeted towards achieving that goal or objective. They are motivated by some self guiding interest which creates an inspiration in them to be a part of the collective action. After that the task is achieved, they again go back to their own lives and pursue their self interest.
All collective actions comprises of some self interest of individuals involved in it. Even if two friends come together, it is said that there is some sort of collective action happening. They like each other’s company, help each other in times of need, etc. But even if they are helping or caring each other, the hidden self interest is that they may derive happiness by helping that person or have a feel good factor to do so.
Take the example of any movement, why do people come out on streets or protest about it. The reason is that there is some hidden self interest factor which would be served if the movement is successful. If we take this thing to a metaphysical level, the person may participate in a movement just for having a sense of achievement, or just to be happy to have participated in the movement. Again the guiding factor is self interest
I am tending here to say that human being is selfish, doing things to have personal gains and this include even getting satisfaction or becoming happy. This is the inherent nature of the human being. I may be sounding quite a sadist and quite unreasonable in my argument but sometimes I feel like this way and sometimes look Collective Action in this line of thought.

Rohan Jain

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