Monday, February 16, 2009


The article on co-operatives again showed that how politics can destroy the very essence of co-operatives. The milk co-operatives have prospered so much and the main reason behind this was the foresightedness of its founders who had anticipated that politics would destroy the very motive. The sugar co-operatives in Maharashtra have become a platform for politicians. One reason which explains the difference really well is that national leaders were involved in milk co-operatives while local leaders were involved in emergence of sugar co-operatives. It clearly proves that national leaders have larger vision than the local leaders

1 comment:

ravi dhanuka said...

in an attempt to post your blog one day before the deadline, you must have forgotten to give it a thought. first thing you must ponder over is what is politics and what are its dimensions.the worlds largest collective action in the name of being apolitical has been guided by political motives. political influence and support give collective action the support it needs to persist for a long time. as this is a last day, we cant communicate via blog but i do expect you will give it a thought and come back to me