Friday, February 13, 2009

Mr.Rahul Gandhi,Dr.Rajesh Tandon and we IRMANS!!!!-I

It was really good to see one of the evolving faces of indian politics Mr. Rahul Gandhi and the better part was to see the transition in his political skills which reflected that it takes time to mould an amateur into professional. Adaptibility is the cache word and Mr Gandhi was perfectly suited to the skill requirements that one requires to be a shrewd politician but not a perfect politicain.All of us had lot to say and a lot to ask during his session but its worth contemplating that what were we really heading for.Afterall we all knew that rahul gandhi was addressing a crowd that was much more closer to the India we represent the rural india and his knowledge rather i would say understanding of the underpriveled 30 millions of our country was quite limited.Moreover an english speaking politician clad in a khadi kurta, addressing his love for the poor people of our country was looking more of a pampered puppet with a definitive agenda who had general answers to all specific questions.I think that for the first time that the irma audi was totally packed.But move towards the next session by Mr.Rajesh Tandon and the whole auditorium was empty and it seemed as if that we the english speaking clan endorsing rural india too were faltering at somepoint.There was no one to hear and raise issues to a person who was mush closer to rural realities then rahul . The only difference between the two of them was that the one had the power to bring change and the other had the knowledge to bring change.Candidly speaking I would have not gone to hear Mr Rajesh Tandon but since i heard Rahul gandhi therefore I thought that the other one deserves more respect then the one who preaches and therefore i took the oppurtunity to hear Mr Tandon and it was really worth then all that crap in the briefing by Mr.Gandhi.I have a lots of issues to raise but we english speaking irmans are always sort of time therefore i will try to raise these issues in the next blog.This is only a small part of whatever i have in mind and the reality that all of us (irmans)try to escape with.

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