Monday, February 16, 2009


The article of from Paulo Freire talks about dialogue and its relevance in the vibrant society. In today’s world most of us are suffering from naïve thinking. The big corporate are also suffering from this thinking and hence they are not thinking in terms of long term but short term. The environmental hazard like global warming is going to them also as they are also the part of the society, ditto for the terrorists. So development of critical thinking is very important today for survival of mankind and this process has to be started from schools.

1 comment:

Dr Vishal Jani said...

agreed with the idea.....
but certain issues needed to be addressed...critical thinking is not that we have a switch and we will turn it on and our thinking will change...rather before we need to change many things...the way of living..our education system...our way of bringing up our children...we have to make our society a question raising society...knowledge oriented one....