Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Reflecting on Naxal violence through Freire’s lens
Naxalism is one of the biggest problems affecting this nation. One of the reasons that no end seems at sight is because of the inability of the government and the naxals to enter into a dialogue. Both want to name the world in a way the other is not willing to accept. Both refuse dialogue for the fear that the other will use it to dominate. Also so caught up in the idea of revolution naxals are, that there is no reflection, just activism .The act of revolt has become more central than the cause.
The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself
An equation for success of a collective action
on reading this equation we can conclude that unless and until there is mutual self interest in responding to a shared threat, a successful collective action cannot come into existence. This can be proved by various examples. One being, on realising that the severe threat to earth's ecology would spell doom for all the countries alike, the respective governments have started meeting to decide about the plans for ecological conservation.
power is not only what you have
The first rule of power tactics talks about the difference between ‘power’ and ‘what it is made out to be’. It is a common sight in India, where right before elections, there is a mad rush to mobilize supporters for one’s own party. We see leaders in the hinterland trying to collect funds to get as many cars, vehicles, and even elephants for their campaign! All this is done just to show the opposition the strength of one’s support among the masses!
How effective all this is in the Indian context, is my question..
a contradict truth
Chaebol: A form of Collective Entrepreneurship
The last reading in CAC, while talking on the topic of collective entrepreneurship, gives teh example of Chaebols. Chaebol is a conglomerate of multinationals in Korea, which brings together expertise from different fields to setup a common venture. However, they are generally spoken of as simply another form of crony capitalism, nothing but an arrangement between business houses, mostly owned by the same family. What this really leads to is a whole web of lies, forgery and cheating the common investor. This is an extreme example of a collective that could only harm the people outside the collective!
naxalbari movement
Cooperation between two countries!!!! India n Bangladesh...
The two countries’, have agreed on the need for “better cooperation” to contain cross-border transmission of communicable diseases. This will help Bangladesh side to learn from the expertise gained by India on curbing of communicable diseases. India has also offered, experts from Bangladesh to visit the testing centers developed by India.
Considering that the two countries have similar health related issues, mutual sharing of expertise, knowledge and information through cooperation will be useful for both the parties.Thus cooperation on a large scale will provide better health standards to the people of both the countries.
keep it going.. on and on!
What people can learn from how animals make collective decisions!!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Risk and Return in collective action
Flaw in NSS survey regarding NREGS
Means or ends???
But by taking values, morals, ethics into account and count it more towards the spritual way then means definitely becomes the important factor. It's natural for everyone to look back at where they came from and want to show their struggles. This justifies the importance of means.
'True god is never acheived by the doing of evil"
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My Name Is Khan - Protest failed..........
Collective Waste
Organisations formed through collective action
Member based people's organisations are organisations of poor people which seek to improve their lot by collective action. It is so as collective action assures them the minimum right to subsistence by an increase in their bargaining power. Also these organisations have a few non poor members. They are important in the sense that they play the role of utilitarian in a collective action initiating the very process. Also every attempt is made to include large and large numbers of poor members into the governance structure so that the interest of the collective is served without subversion by anyone.
Not me
When it rained Cats in Egypt.
Many kingdoms have falllen due to their restrictive rules of engagement. What every nation must finally come to terms with is, when it comes to war, THERE ARE NO RULES.
Everything is ethical????
Friday, February 12, 2010
‘Win-win’ or ‘just win’?
How do stakeholders define the “WE’? Are the stakeholders are sensitized enough to think about the world as a whole and work for ‘real’ win-win solutions? I think the problem of global warming will force the stakeholders to find the real ‘win-win’ situations.
Is dissecting Ethics ethical??
breakdown theory of collective action
Rising sugar prices... politics or economics???
Sugar prices have reached sky highin the last few months, a phenomenon not having occurred on such a large scale earlier. While the govt. is blaming the rising food and sugar prices an effect of inflation, we have got news of farmers burning their sugarcane for want of better prices and MSP amidst which we have news of the Mayawati Govt. not allowing UP sugar mills to take delivery of thousands of tonnes of raw sugar lying at kandla port. Politics or economics;what is the actual reason is the question to be pondered upon??
Why this double standard?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I before WE,
Honour killings: Collective action against life?
Individual Vs Collective Entrepreneur
Inclination for collective action
Learning CAC & UO together
SRK vs Shiv Sena: Collective action totally uncalled for
Tactics to fight corruption
Can we find these kinds of tactics to fight corruption in day to day life??
The atmosphere is a common property!

As Ms Sunita Narain said in her lecture that you cannot stop the goat from entering the forest until the benefits of not entering are equally divided, the question comes as how to have the collective action and cooperation with the rich countries so as to save ourselves in long term!
How do we ensure the equitable distribution of costs and benefits?
"Live-in Relationships and Dowry - Should we or shouldnt we?"
If you thought that being in a live-in relationship would save you from being punished for demanding
order that can expand the rights of women in live-in alliances, the Supreme Court has
turned down the plea of Koppisetti Subbarao who had disputed the dowry charge pressed by his live-in partner on the ground that they were not married.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Uru the Awakener
Collective action by Brokers
Today I was going through the book “maharaja of business” which was about the success stories of the various businessmen. In that I read about one incident in 1982 in which collective action of group of various small brokers (FRIENDS OF RELIANCE) under the leadership of Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani, were succeeded in defeating the mal intentions of one Marwari trader to artificially create the decline in stock prices. Can‘t it be called collective action???
Is it necessary that collective action is only for marginalized section of society?
Note: The decline of Reliance Stock prices would have affected millions of small retail investors.
Black side of collective action
Collective action vs. Collective action
My Take on Means and Ends
Means and ends debate may not always have morally right answers. Many chose morally wrong means to be on the right end. The right end can be defined as the individual benefit or collective benefit they are going to get.U see a footballer deliberately pretending on a football field to get a penalty kick for his team and questioning some of the means adopted by naxalites for the rights of the people who have been deprived of these by the state.The ground situation,past history and future benefits of a collective action in the above cases arguably justify the means adopted.
Rama, Krishna and Collective Action
1. Ayodhya movement and demolition of Babari Structure.
2. Genocide in Gujarat.
3. Riots against christians in Orissa.
4. Proliferation of chauvinist forces like Ram Sene etc...
I do not find the courage nor the inclination to look in the past to search for the glorious examples of collective action by Gods.
India and Pakistan.. time to talk?? or still time???
The recent attempt by Indian Gov. to get talking to Pakistan once again has raised many eyebrows in India and abroad, especially in the backdrop of the Jehadi council meeting in POk and amidst claims that such talks are being done under pressure from USA. What needs to be seen that whether both the nations are ready to accommodate each other views and not attach any precondition to talk, and be open minded and flexible . The people of both nations want development and progress, but are that possible amidst such levels of mistrust and suspicion
seva (self less service ) a comments ..................

Unfair Means In Examination
Individual vs Collectivity
Collective Action vs Collective Inaction
We see collective action in all forms. The political parties collectively mug voters and the “rulers” become the “ruled”. The Govt. workers collectively wreak inefficient and unscrupulous behavior on the very people they were chosen to serve. The wealthy collectively try to keep the poor out of the 9% GDP growth. The terrorists collectively wreak destruction; the “babas” collectively dupe people.
To this, we collectively remain silent, collectively let people mug us only to vote them in, again; collectively cheat the person who is lower to us in the food chain; collectively bribe govt officials to get our work done. This COLLECTIVE INACTION on our part collectively makes them stronger to collectively take advantage of us.
My understanding of CAC at the end of course..
the case of collective security....
Hope you be the Awakener at my place. Even, If you be the Disappointer, it should be fine.
I am not getting Grades using either of any means. I am always forced to do what the powerful wants accordingly. Now, when I wish to do something that I like, I am not able to do. When I have done something that I like, the Powerful does'nt like it. How would someones Means justify my ends? URU, please help me. I want to go. I want 2.o, Above all, I want to justify both the means and the end myself rather than someone more concerned about me.
Thanking you,
To walk...or not..
The eight rule of ethics says that the morality of means depend upon the timing of it. In cricket a big issue is made of batsmen who walk voluntarily. However what needs to be looked at, is the balance of the game. If someone walks when the match is already in his team’s pocket it may not mean much .What is important is whether he walks when his dismissal may influence the result decisively.
To Give Alms or Not To...
The common argument against giving alms is that the charity would in all probability go into the hands of the ‘drug lords’ and the ‘syndicate’ which controls these beggars. Also in the process, we’re encouraging this 'system' to work and demotivating them from doing any collective action.
Then, why not the people who propose this argument get together, mobilize other such theorists and collectively try helping those who are calling out for ‘help’ instead of expecting them to help themselves?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Corruption : Justified ???
Corruption is a major leakage because of which a major chunk of benefit does not reach the intended beneficiaries. Apart from increasing the service-delivery cost, it undermines local development by weakening the rule of law, diverting resources from intended recipients, and typically adversely impacting the poorest most dramatically.
And this is an issue where no single stakeholder can significantly reduce the problem on his/her own. If one person stops bribing or taking bribe, it will not make any difference. Infact, it will take a much broader effort to implement effective institutional reforms and a conducive climate that minimizes opportunities for corruption.
However, seen from today's Means-and-Ends-Class's perspective and the various rules proposed; it would seem that even corruption can have its uses and can be justified into a rightful act under certain situations.
Collective Action against Corruption...
Corruption is a major leakage because of which a major chunk of benefit does not reach the intended beneficiaries. Apart from increasing the service-delivery cost, it undermines local development by weakening the rule of law, diverting resources from intended recipients, and typically adversely impacting the poorest most dramatically.
And this is an issue where no single stakeholder can significantly reduce the problem on his/her own. If one person stops bribing or taking bribe, it will not make any difference. In fact, it will take a much broader effort to implement effective institutional reforms and a conducive climate that minimizes opportunities for corruption.
Women Empowerment through Collective Action
Understanding Social Movement
Managing Common Property Resources
United Nations:Collective actions of the nations after the Second World War
Lord Krishna:Master of Collective Actions
64 kalas(Actions) of Lord Krishna
Winners win accolades & Losers get critique
Since the earliest civilizations, histroy has been written and rewritten by winners , erasing every glorifying incidence by those who lost. Later, justifying each and every deed(winners) either through moral "gown" or "the context of which the action was taken", thus proving it "right ". Is this fair that losers have to be critisied and proved "morally wrong" in most of the cases....
As in case of Hitler, except the Jew killing, it was he who united and strengthened GERMANY which was left devastated after the Treaty of Versallies. But was he ever glorified for his “act”???
India vs. South Africa: Collective action gone haywire?
We always have this tendency to romanticise the concept of collective action. But without proper co-ordination among all the actors, mind you all the actors, the desired goals can seldom be reached. This might be something which we all take for granted, and sounds so clichéd, but do we give any serious thought to it?
Lord Krishna,Collective Action,Srimadbhagvat Geeta and its Misinterpretation
The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, meaning 'to do', in its most basic sense karma simply means action, and yoga translates to union. Thus Karma yoga literally translates to the path of union through action. However, in Vedantic philosophy the word 'Karma' means both action and the effects of such action. Karma Yoga is described as a way of acting, thinking and willing by which one orients oneself toward realization by acting in accordance with one's duty (dharma) without consideration of personal self-centered desires, likes or dislikes. Acting without being attached to the fruits of one's deeds.
- Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme.
Krishna then goes on to describe how Arjuna should surrender the fruits of his actions (good or bad) to him, Krishna, (as the Supreme Person or avatara) :
- Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me, with full knowledge of Me, without desires for profit, with no claims to proprietorship, and free from lethargy, fight.
Krishna explains that work done without expectations, motives, or anticipation of its outcome purifies one's mind and gradually makes an individual fit to see the value of reason. He states that it is not necessary to remain in external solitude, or remain actionless, in order to practice a spiritual life, since the state of action or inaction is primarily determined in the mind.
In order to achieve perfection of life, Krishna explains that it is important to control all mental desires and tendencies to enjoy pleasures of the senses. The practice of Karma Yoga in daily life makes an individual fit through action, meditation and devotion to sharpen his reasoning, develop the intuitive power of acquiring knowledge, and to transcend the mind itself.
Means and Ends ..
Means or Ends???
Placements: A good example of collective action
Is only monetary base attached to collective action?
Anti-POSCO movement

The proposed POSCO plant in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha has faced strong public resistance.The rehabilitation and resettlement Show all(R&R) package offered by the company is not accepted by the people. In fact people are sceptical regarding the R&R package of a foreign company. In this fight on the one side stand the struggling people of the area who want to protect their sustainable Beetle leaf- Paddy farming - Fishing economy for themselves and their future generations and on the other side stands the Posco Company that is eager to make lakhs of crores of rupees as profits..