Monday, February 15, 2010

power is not only what you have

The first rule of power tactics talks about the difference between ‘power’ and ‘what it is made out to be’. It is a common sight in India, where right before elections, there is a mad rush to mobilize supporters for one’s own party. We see leaders in the hinterland trying to collect funds to get as many cars, vehicles, and even elephants for their campaign! All this is done just to show the opposition the strength of one’s support among the masses!

How effective all this is in the Indian context, is my question..




Ankit Gupta(30063) said...

Two tendencies of people will attract them to such people. one they believe in what they see. if it is so, they will follow such person instantly as they believe that in india, whosoever is powerful is in the govt. the other tendency is to have power. these people believe that power attracts power and they follow such leaders.

Arpit Shah said...

Power is extremely important in Indian context. The one with larger powers decides the rules of game. That is the reason why leaders try their best to mobilize people, funds, animals etc to ensure their supremacy over other. In this mad rush, it is the people's money that gets splashed directly or indirectly! Its time to Wake up! for Indian voters..