So now we know that prince Hamlet wasn't the only person faced with this dilemma .. don't we all face this question at some point of time in our lives ? Wise is he, who gets not jubilated at the pinnacle of his achievements neither dejected at the nadir. To 'have' ,then, is an illusion penned beautifully by Harivansh Rai Bacchan in his immortal poem"Jo Beet Gayi so Baat Gayi..". And that " half naked fakir" of India wasn't wrong too when he asked us to be the change that we want to see(or should I say 'HAVE' :-P ) in the world ,change thus will be ours !!
An excellent one.....Ahmed Bhai,I really appreciate your way of thinking.....keep it up.....we have got the privilige of having with your views and analysis.....
Thank you.....
i agree, if the leaders themselves will be the change they want to be , they'll be more effective in getting their message across. Otherwise, if their actions are different from their words sooner or later people will sport the dualism. Gandhiji, once when asked by the mother of a boy to convince him not to eat sweets, took a month( if i remember correctly) and then asked the boy to do so. He first gave up eating sweets himself as an example.
thanks for the compliment.At least someone agrees with me.. :) just want to drive home the point that all but your conciousness is momentary and once conciousness goes nothing,no matter what you possess and no matter for how long, will 'stay' with you..
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