Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It states that-Concern with ethics increases with the number of means available and vice versa. the simplest of the meanings signify that when we have only a single option then we are bound to pursue it whether ethical or not. for eg. when a person is alone and is attacked or is faced with some serious problems and is left with only a single option of violent means or hitting the way out then he follows this option without thinking of the consequences,DOES ETHICS HERE REALLY TAKE A BACKSEAT??

1 comment:

Rakshit P Singh 30030 said...

Slightly disagreeing from a witty inference on ethics,let me explain my answer to the proposed question through the example...
If a person is alone and/or is facing serious problems, using the only "single option" of violent means or hitting the way out is not exactly a solution- its a reflex. Under pressurized situations, every mortal is faced to leave his decision to his instincts or his conscience.Those who choose the latter do so not out of chance but choice. And that comes with a conscious realization and adaptability to handling a situation.
So when a person does go all out on instincts, ethics really do take a backseat; but then again, there never was just one solution... :)