The Eleventh rule of ethics says that any goal must be presented in euphemistic and sugar-coated words like liberty, equality etc. One good example would be the full name of China.... 'The People's Republic Of China'. It is heartening to know China belongs to its people at least in name.
The same principle is applied through Glorifying Art which is used by governments and parties to portray leaders to facilitate their political goals. I present to you the two biggest mass-killers in history at their pictorial best.....
Art was and still used as a medium for sending out strong messages. Right from the medival ages when the glorious campaigns of kings were captured for posterity by painters, (even though the reality might have been something totally different ) to the modern grafitti all have been used and misused by different parties to transmit their message.It effectively captures the eleventh rule as over the ages groups have used this extremely powerful and ubiquitous medium to mobilize masses for the right and the wrong reasons.
so many rules..so many justifications...
i wonder if there is anything called 'ethical' left . . . as everyone and anyone is able to justify whatever he/she does :-(
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