Wednesday, January 27, 2010

collective behavior

In todays movie we have seen the shift in mood of crowd in no time. from this can be conclude that behavior of crowd is controlled by leader? we need to ponder on this, if yes then every violent action in crowd can be blamed on the leader?


Shashvat Singh said...

I believe that rational individuals should also think themselves before acting at the behest of their leaders. A leader of any violent action spreads venom because he understands mob's psychology very well. If people act rationally then the same leader will restrain from making provocative statements because he will know that people will not run with swords at his utterance rather they will analyse the cause and consequence of such violent act beforehand.


Deepika Goyal (30073) said...

Regarding today's movie the crowd was unrest and partly angry as 'Julius Caesar',their king was murdered.So the leader was able to sway the mood of the crowd and indirectly control (or direct) them towards the violent action.

Entirely the leader cannot be blamed for the violent action of the crowd but may be partially to channelize the unrest mass for violent action

Nivedita Pandey said...

Behavior of a crowd is "influenced" by the leader, the degrees of which may vary, but leaders don't control crowd behavior. Leaders can instigate violence, but the individuals in the crowd who act are the ones who are responsible for their own actions.

Arpit Shah said...

Behavior of crowd is controlled on a large extent by the leader. A single untoward statement by some leaders like Bal Thakerey can burn up entire Mumbai! Violent action in crowd can be largely blamed on leader. I suppose this is the reason why the leader is put behind the bars after a violent protest.

Also, mob mentality plays an important role. The rationality of a mob is difficult to determine. It may take hardly any time for the mob to get violent, irrespective of leader.

sumit dhorta said...

I don't think that everything can be blamed on the leader. Crowd is made up of individual and individuals make irrational decisions but they cant take such decisions individually.When such individuals are in crowd which have same opinion about the issue. They try to make crowds decision as rational decision as they now have strength with neutral individuals in crowd with them,although it might be irrational decision.If any one point out it is wrong,then they are not the one who are caught.But the one who first takes his head out of water i.e leader.