Sunday, January 31, 2010


According to me leadership in any situation cannot be taught, along with that leaders are not born. so the question is how leaders emerge? i feel to be a leader you need to be intelligent it does not means academics intelligence, i am talking about intelligence which is required to be adaptive to different situation,it is to take right decision at right time to survive and put your point effectively if you have this you are a leader wait for the situation!!!


Priyanka said...

Leadership indeed requires situational intelligence but intelligent decision making also comes from awareness, confidence and courage. And these are equally important for a leader to lead. Unless there is awareness, even an intelligent leader, to some extent, may have to rely on intuition for decision making. But one may not always have available information or adequate awareness of a situation. That is when one needs confidence and courage to execute a situation. Courage is especially important for a leader, as the consequences of a decision need to be faced with courage again.

V S Khokhar said...

Leadership according to me is the ability to convince people to act according to the way you want them to. And that convincing requires putting forward your opinions in a manner which appears to them( the target audience)in their best interests. When a person knows what he wants to do, has a belief in his ideas and has the conviction to put it accross to the people, he is a leader. the crux is in communicating that idea, the better one communicates it, the better leader he/she turns out to be.

Nitya said...

Leadership cannot be taught, but some amount of teaching can surely help in polishing or enhancing the skills or, as you may call it, intelligence of the leader. Knowledge about something is never harmful and using that knowledge in the right manner would lead to better results.

Anshuman kumar said...

As far as leadership is concerned, i believe that it a long time taking process which makes a man different from others in many aspects.experience, failure, motivation, courage, emotional intelligence etc are the steps involved in in processing of leadership. if some one does a work and becomes very famous overnight due to print and electronic media then he is not a leader. he might be a hero.

Sean Alex said...
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Sean Alex said...

Leadership cannot be taught in a classroom, but it can definitely be inspired. Sensitization towards an issue and ability to mobilize people towards a cause can make people rise to an occasion and exhibit leadership quality. Again, the leader can sensitize the masses towards a cause about which he has a certain opinion.
Experience and perseverance are the qualities desirable in leader which again come with time.