Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It is an effective mechanism to overcome the free rider problem which is a big roadblock in successfully carrying out collective action and cooperation. Thus helps in sustaining cooperation by allowing one to cooperate as long as everybody else does and defect forever if a single other agent defects once. Once people start following such a strategy the non cooperative beneficiaries will themselves refrain from defecting from the fear of retaliation. This will go a long way in ensuring that everybody cooperates equally by sharing equal responsibilities for a collective task enabling it to achieve its objective.


richa bhalotia(p30033) said...

the free rider problem is created by non excludibility.when people free ride the goods are under produced or not a sloution to this may be a smaller group size where individual contribution matters more.other can be providing incentives to the members who work more for the group.the asymmetric distribution of the benefits also help in overcoming the free rider problem.

Ankit Gupta(30063) said...

i want to raise a point that free rider problem rises because that person knows that others will do the work even if he contributes or not... so how would you exclude a defector?

Ankit Gupta(30063) said...

for eg,,, in a village, villagers are making a check dam to avoid floods. if 2 out of ten villagers free ride, will the other 8 will stop dong it?? they are more bothered about their own banefits and well being rather than over all participation.

Ankit Gupta(30063) said...

suppose in an assignment u get a free rider. but u have to earn the grades. u have to do the work... no other option. but it stands on the presumption that ur own benefit from doing the task is much more than not doing it. its mandatory, unavoidable for you.