Friday, January 22, 2010

Cooperation and friendship

Cooperation in friendship is found to be more common in doing things that are against the rules. For instance, in case of an examination there is enough cooperation among the majority to do cheating as it will help in getting good grades. So if a person doesn't cooperate to do cheating then can he/she be considered as a good friend. Cooperating for the right cause at the right time can be more fruitful rather than doing it for the wrong cause and a good friend will always cooperate for the right cause.


Astha said...

Very aptly said. But the trouble today is that in any collective action, if a person is not cooperating, he/she tends to get ostracized, irrespective of the fact whether the action is for the good of everyone or not. Person not helping in cheating may be a good friend, but will not be appreciated, because he was not of help at the time when he was needed the most. So, blindly cooperating in anything is not a good option. Doing the right thing at the right time is more important, be it through non-cooperation.

Rajnish 30096 said...

Unfair means in exams are not cooperation. Also one can not judge a true friendship on the basis of help provided/ help not provided during the exams.

mukesh jha (30020) said...

Adoption of Unfair means like cheating in the examination is one of the easiest ways utilized by the student community collectively to get good marks. Even used by a differential population of the mass it cannot be said to be a good practice. In the long run, it is having adverse effect on the effective performance of the candidate and if a good friend does not help in this process, then it is indeed a great help to those involved in cheating.

KESHAV K RANJAN(IRMA-30017) said...

When this post came,one of my friends said that he was expecting some comments from me.
Coopeartion for bad things always benefits more than coopeartion for goods.Also,who try to challenge the nexus of bads have to pay its price.
Educational institutes who are engaged in higher education can't change the heart and mindset of the people,who have some set frame of mind for the lat 20 to 25 years in just 2 or 3 years.Present eduacational system has its limitation to shape the lives of students.
There are two options to stop these activities-
1.It can be left to the self-consciousness of the people;
2.It can be stopped penalising heavily to the defaulters.
If the institute is aware of these activities and still it is going on.....then nothing more is left to say.....

ahmed said...

Not only 'Co-operation' during exams.. won't we Google our answers if given the assignment ?
Won't we board the train and bribe the Ticket Checker if the need be?
Won't we mark the proxy attendance if we could ? etc.etc. and in doing so if we are turned down by any of our friends, all hell will break loose..
I guess this training of accepting the defeat/fault has to begin right in kindergarten gaming arena where declaring winners and felicitating them in public makes the 'non-winners' feel inferior.
I think it is that sense of failure that sticks to our sub-concious which keeps telling us time and again that 'to fail is to loose' which instead should be
'To GIVE UP is to LOOSE...'

nice post by the way!!

Anonymous said...

"Losely Translated Text Services" Bring to you:
Sky Said: you have very clearly described a common problem.
Camilla Plume Said: if you want to be a good man you require a friend's co-operation, if you want to be a bed man yet you require your friend's co-operation.

I also agree with sky and camilla plume.:)

sandeepa nayak said...

But fact is that those who are to formulate rules or agents of monitoring proper maintenance of the rules they are involved in breaking the rules.So how do we expect all others to adhere strictly to cooperate for right cause always.
Cooperation would have taken a better shape if it would have helped the individual rather making him or her free-rider.So even we give the chance others to be parasite and suck blood from us.

Anonymous said...

sky said:"recognising a problem is half solving a problem."
camilla said: "If you become a matchstick you can illuminate a small world. if you become a crow, you can cause pain to people's eardrums."
I leave the interpretation upto you.

Navneet said...

Here the larger question is whether you are helping your friend at all by helping her in the examination.You end up doing more harm to him/her because it creates false sense of satisfaction by getting undeserved grades. Learning suffers.If you are a true friend then you would help her in the studies and not during examination.We must think whether helping in the examination is a 'WIN WIN STRATEGY' in true spirit.

sandeepa nayak said...

@Uphar:If I would be assured that You be there for me to provide me any clue or support during exam then definitely I won’t care for reading for the exam.
It’s not the recognition of problem rather it’s the obvious consequence: giving rise to free-rider and wasting your time by helping them during your exam.
@Navneet:Off-course it is a larger issue,but its result isn’t also less lethal.Your self-interest hampers if You are helping your friend.You could perform better if not being disturbed by your friend.I don’t see any prudency of harming oneself while going for collective action.