Thursday, January 7, 2010

Does a win win situation really exists?

After that now we have given our CAC exam and also played that game, when I came across this game while my preparations, it stroke my mind that whether such a situation really exists?
In our game as well, we saw that one group was able to change only one group's mind in choosing rabbit. others still went for their own benefit. we learned students of a IRMA, if we cannot cooperate, is there any possibility when every body cooperates not for the their own benefits but for collective benefits?
Ankit Gupta


Ritesh Kewlani(p30034) said...

I personally believe that win-win is an ideal situation. There is nothing as "common good". I would relate it to "Marx's labour theory of value" where he mentioned that "what one gains, the other loses". When somebody wins, it has to be at the expense of others.

ahmed said...

With regard to the example taken ..I think the dichotomy is coming from two different aspirations..Those at the 'top of the pyramid' stand to loose & those at the 'bottom of the pyramid' will obviously gain.I say aspiration because of PRM experience.Why would the topper want to compromise his hard earned position and how can you 'propel' the laggards to the toppers' level?? and in that sense both are status quoist as both want to 'stay where they are'..