Saturday, December 5, 2009

continuing from what we discussed in Mr. Sony' lecture

It would be nice if we could discuss the relevance of Co-operatives, especially the milk co-operatives in Gujarat, as an instrument to challenge the existing symbollic order. We could further discuss it in the light of its effect on the existing political, economic and legal order as well. But, initially just focussing on it as a potential to change the symbollic order would give our dicussion a direction.


ThatsAbhi(30058) said...
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Navneet said...

I am not qualified enough to comment on the effect of Coperatives in Gujarat on the symbolic structure. But continuing the discission of the classroom I have a point to make. If you consider standing in a queue irrespective of caste or class as a blow to the symbolic structure then banks,railways etc are doing that on a greater scale.The change in economic status would bring the difference slowly....