Friday, December 11, 2009

Pre-Capitalistic Society

We were discussing Pre-Capitalist society and moral peasant versus economic peasent in today's session.While Scott and Popkin described inherent self-interest behind every collective action.Karl Marx,proponder of Scientific Socialism and his close friend Fredrick Angeles,in the Communist Manifesto in 1876 used some phrases for pre-capitalist society as-"philistine","barbarian","slothful indolence","rural idiocy" and "national one-sidedness".
Regarding traditional East Indian Society he says-
".. these idyllic village communities.., had always been the solid foundation of Oriental
despotism, ... they restrained the human mind within the smallest possible compass,
making it the unresisting tool of superstitution, enslaving it beneath traditional rules,
depriving it of all grandeur and historical energies . . . . We must not forget that this".
But,in my view,most of the times in most of the civilization,societies have remain of Capitalistic nature.Because,production system and surpluses have always been in the hands of few.What Marx has explained for Pre-Capitalistic Society is quite different from the present-day description.In present days,most of us think that Pre-Capitalistic era means pre-industrial revolution era of later half of 19th century.Which is not right.

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