With the upcoming of new retail giants in India, and the discussions on the future of wal mart in Indian context I have a few thoughts. Already the concept of contract farming which requires the farmer to go for mono cropping and is degrading the quality of the soil, it is important to know that how is it going to influence the poor and marginalised sections?
How far is acceptable to lure the farmers by attractive cash gain versus the quality of soil?
the losses are to be minimized in the supply chain and if government has raised it hands up so it's only fair that the people who CAN do it should be allowed to do so..with some checks of course(read Indian sensitivities)
Well that's exactly what was on the menu in lunch on our table :-) topic of discussion "Relevance of Retail in Indian context ?" See the recent Sugar controversy where prices of sugar are all time high and still the mill owners are not ready to pay and pass the benefit to farmers.Retailing could be the answer but provided focus should be profit maximation .And profits must be passed on to farmer community to build strength in the agri sector.Private firms can provide competition but not the benefits.Why cant government launch its own retail outlet in public domain..? Neways Govt can do many things rather than sitting idle ,declaring useless MSP nd then importing at higher costs to fill the stock :-)
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