Friday, December 11, 2009

Copenhagen talks

Negotiations ,negotiations and more negotiations ..This is all that the responsible few have to show for their 17 years of efforts,beginning with Kyoto,to the doomed many. "Never before in history has the future of so many depended on so few.." .Clock is ticking..Better we mend the ways before we are forced to do it by mother nature :-( The argument of development getting affected because of emission cuts will not stand the test of time when we will be required to pay a lot more, to correct the mistakes, than what we are earning now.


Anshuman said...

Isn't all that is happening in Copenhagen a classic case of how the influential people get the gold while the rest are left eating mud?
and wudn't it be the same in an SHG of 15 ppl as it is in an international collective effort??

Yet there is hope if the influential ppl realise what mess they ll be in if they don't mend their ways!

ahmed said...

"mud eaters" have to haul up the "gold getters" before there is no mud left to eat and gold to be gobbled.."influential" people can be brought to book only if they get this clearly in their minds that a stitch in time now will save nine later.And for that to happen we as a collective populace have to send the message in no ambiguous terms that WE WANT ACTION NOW!

Anshuman said...

but aren't the weak usually so weak that they can't raise their voice or are surpressed...
so then, it becomes the prerogative of the influential... :(