Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cooperation For Marginalized People

Marginalisation is the social process of being made marginal(to relegate or confine to a lower social standing or outer limit or of social standing).Material deprivation is the most common result of marginalisation. It is possible at different leves-individual,community and global/structural policies.
One of my friends has said that government takes tax from the marginalised section of the society.But,the fact is that in a country of having population of more than 1.25 billion,there are only 3.15 crores of tax-payer(according to an RTI filed in 2007).And,there are only 5.4 crores of PANs.The super-rich(few hundreds)who had 19 billions in asstes in 2004,now have 200 billions in assets.If we call tax-payers as marginalised,then what would we say to BPL people?
In India,according to official data,there are 32.5 crores of people below the poverty line in 2009.And,between 2004 to 2009 5.5 crores of the population were pushed back to this line.This is the official data.Many state govts. are claiming they have more BPLs,as stated by the union government.BPL in India means the people who donot get 2600 calorie of food in rural area and 2400 calorie in urban area.
It mean that in our country approx. 30% of the popualtion donot get two-time meal for their survival.And,we are calling tax-payers as marginalised.We haves always thinks that our world is every body's world.But world is different for everybody.We can see the pathetic poverty in Kalahandi,Bastar,Ghumla and Nalagonda,which is the real face of India.
So,non-cooperation is needed with "haves" to strengthen the interests of "havenots".
KESHAV (30017)


Ritesh Kewlani(p30034) said...

After attending today's lecture, I'm also of the opinion that the marginalized should come together and cooperate among themselves. Only then they can form sturdy barriers to prevent further exploitation. But the pertinent question remains as how to go about this collective action?

Shashvat Singh said...

its very easy to say that 'the marginalized should come together and cooperate among themselves'. but when they collectively act on the issue in violent manner we are the ones who oppose i feel we should introspect why we have such double standards

KESHAV K RANJAN(IRMA-30017) said...

Collective action of the marginalised sections of the society against the exploiters always doesnot mean that it should be of violent nature.Exploiters always want "status-quo" to preserve their status.
What Gandhi,Martin Luther King-2,and Mandela did against the mighty british and ehnic-supporters?They didnot use violence as their means.

ahmed said...

non cooperation with "haves" to benefit "have nots" .. I think that can be a very good leftist war cry but is not at all sound socio-economic policy.Poverty and hence marginalization is the result of years of mismanagement a la Jharkhand which is still largely in the dark inspite of having most of country's coal.
Even Gandhis and Nehrus needed support of capitalist "haves" to sustain their non-coop.